Defend Your Ground
Defend Your Ground is a podcast produced by BlueRibbon Coalition - a 501c3 non-profit that works to defend outdoor recreation on public land on a national level. Listen to learn about new areas to explore, new adventures to pursue, and to become a better advocate for promoting all forms of recreation.
Friday Nov 03, 2023
Friday Nov 03, 2023
In this installment of the "Last Known Position series" we are joined by Mike Fogg, who has served as a volunteer for Search and Rescue teams in Weber County. With extensive experience on a variety of rescues in the Wasatch Mountains, Mike shares his insights on how to recreate safely and responsibly.
We are grateful to all Search and Rescue volunteers, and we encourage everyone to support Weber County SAR.
The "Last Known Position" series is a podcast project that has been generously supported by the Utah OHV Program and the International Snowmobile Association
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Episode 38: Utah Snowmobile Association and the Manti-La Sal Forest Plan Revision
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
The Manti-La Sal forest plan revision will impact snowmobile use on three major mountain ranges in Utah. After attending a US Forest Service meeting on the plan revision process with Mike Davis from the Utah Snowmobile Association, we connected to produce this episode to share additional information about this plan. This plan will affect recreation access to millions more acres in Utah, and we need everyone to add their voice:
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
In this installment of the "Last Known Position series" we are joined by Casey Lofthouse, who has a long history as a volunteer for Search and Rescue teams across the state of Utah. With extensive experience in southwest Utah - and specifically Sand Hollow - Casey shares his stories of rescuing those in need. We also discuss safety and preparation best practices to ensure that your adventures always have happy endings.
The "Last Known Position" series is a podcast project that has been generously supported by the Utah OHV Program and the International Snowmobile Association
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Episode 36: Stopping the 30x30 Agenda in Rock Springs, Wyoming
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Friday Sep 22, 2023
This episode was recorded at the Stop 30x30 Conference hosted by American Stewards for Liberty. BRC Board Member, Mark Maynard joins us to discuss BRC's efforts to oppose 30x30. We also discuss a new Resource Management Plan proposed by the Bureau of Land Management that will affect 3 million acres of land in Rock Springs, Wyoming.You can leave your comment on the Rock Springs plan here:
Also mentioned in the show:
Episodes that discuss impacts to motorized snowmobile recreation are generously supported by the International Snowmobile Manufacturer's Association.
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Episode 35: Manti-La Sal National Forest Needs Your Voice
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Friday Sep 15, 2023
The Manti-La Sal National Forest is requesting public feedback on the latest draft of their new forest plan. This will affect all forms of recreation use in over 1 million acres of central and eastern Utah. We appreciate the International Snowmobile Manufacturer's Association who has provided us with a grant to educate users about land management plans that will affect snowmobiling. This plan will affect snowmobiling, and int this episode we discuss what snowmobilers need to know.
You can share your feedback with the Forest Service here:
This episode was made possible by generous support from the International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association.
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
In the latest episode of the Defend Your Ground Podcast, Will Harris was our special guest. Will has been one of the key players in correcting the scientific record about the dust emissions - or lack thereof - at Oceano Dunes. Agencies often rely on limited scientific findings to pass sweeping policy changes, and this results in false narratives that become very difficult to uproot. We encourage everyone to listen to this episode to learn the truth about dust pollution and Oceano Dunes.
From the show: Here is the link to the SLOAPCD Board, where web-viewing of SLOAPCD Board meetings can be accessed. Their next meeting is September 27, 2023 at 9AM. The agenda for this meeting has not been posted yet, but Scripps' Dr. Lynn Russell will be making a presentation regarding her PM10 investigation at Oceano Dunes and Nipomo Mesa.
We encourage everyone to voice the concern that we need to stop using false scientific narratives to justify closing recreation access to public lands.
We also encourage everyone to support Friends of Oceano Dunes in their legal fight to keep Oceano Dunes open for motorized recreation:
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Episode 33: Defund the Monument Planners
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Congress needs to defund the monument planners for Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument. You can notify your member of Congress here:
Everyone needs to add their voice to the Kootenai Forest snowmobile plan:
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Today President Biden is abusing his Antiquities Act authority to create 1.1 million acre national monument in Arizona called the Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Grand Canyon National Monument. This 30x30 land grab will lock the American people out from enjoying the benefits of these public lands. In this episode we discuss the problems with this monument, we discuss our legal challenge to the continued abuse of the Antiquities Act, and we share examples of how National Monuments are terrible for the lands they are allegedly created to protect.Help us oppose this national monument and abuse of the Antiquities Act: